How to Send a Fax Online

Kevin’s success relies on his prompt responses to faxes sent to his general-contracting company.

Discover how Kevin uses MyFax to fax without a fax machine and send time-critical faxes from his smartphone while he’s out of the office at jobsites — and see how you can do the same.

Video Transcript

Kevin is a busy contractor — always at jobs sites and away from his desk. Throughout the day he receives requests, blueprints and work orders by fax, which he needs to review and fax back right away. He used to have to regularly leave job sites to find a fax machine.

That’s why Kevin got MyFax®. Now he has 3 convenient ways to send faxes without a fax machine: online, by email, or with the MyFax Mobile App.

The MyFax Mobile App is the perfect solution to help you keep in touch even while you’re out of the office. Kevin loves that he can easily review his faxes, attach documents and send, right from his smartphone or tablet – without ever leaving a job site.

You can also send faxes by email. Choose up to 5 email addresses to have send capability on your MyFax® account. Kevin set up his account so that he can fax from both his work email and his personal one. No matter which email he sends from, his business fax number is displayed on the receiving end.

When you log into your MyFax account online, you can compose faxes, attach documents and add custom cover letters. Kevin loves the simple interface of the online send form, and uses this option whenever he is faxing from the office.

Sending a fax with MyFax is fast and easy —and can help you get more business done, no matter where you are. Just ask Kevin!

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